University Blog

Giving Thanks

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on


There is an odd tendency among humans to not appreciate things until they are gone or they are in danger.

We don't appreciate a deep breath until we struggle to take one. We aren't thankful for health until we are sick. We don't know what a blessing it is to come home till we don't know where that is. We take our freedom for granted until a threat arises that might take it away.

One of the ways to grow against this tendency is to remember. Repeatedly the people of God are told to remember in scripture and at the last supper Jesus instructs His followers to gather around the table and remember.

We are a people called to remember and give thanks. I look forward to giving thanks with the people of University this Sunday as Psalm 122 invites us to remember why we worship. And remember that Lo Alaman preaches for the first time in the 9:30am and 11am contemporary services.

Pastor Ben


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