University Blog

Unity Trough Music

Posted by Mary McKay on

"It was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever...”

2 Chronicles 5:13

Did you know that in the Bible, there are 77 scriptural references to playing an instrument in worship and praise of our Heavenly Father? This calling came into reality for our ministry in 1995. I had been challenged to see if I could form an orchestra from volunteers within the church. We started pretty small. Nine people attended our first rehearsal. Some of the instruments that they were using had not been played for 20+ years. Reeds started cracking, pads were falling out, and springs were flying. With great anticipation, I passed out the music and we attempted to play “Holy, Holy, Holy." This was my father’s favorite hymn. To say what I heard could not be distinguished as any type of hymn would be putting it nicely, but we all worked together and by the end of the rehearsal, we had truly moved into a “walk of faith.”

The University Orchestra is one of my greatest joys in ministry. Each week a wonderful group of volunteers come together to make a beautiful unified sound. They come from all generations, varying skill levels, and diverse philosophies, to serve in one common goal. They come to offer their gifts back to God in thanksgiving of all that He has provided to them.

The Klekar family makes up 4 of the players (Dad and three sons) in the orchestra. I asked them why they came to play and each had some insight. The orchestra offers Bryan the ability to learn from others that share different techniques and styles. Douglas learns just by watching and listening to other players. And Robert says that even with all the diversity within the group, we are able to come together and let our instruments create one harmonious sound that touches and unites us across the entire congregation and community. 

The orchestra is made up of volunteers that want to give back but what I have witnessed is the amazing community that is cross-generational. We have experienced players in their 80’s sitting next to high school students. They work and grow together in ways that only God can create.

If you have EVER thought about picking up that instrument in your closet and coming to join us, NOW is the time. We are in need of players in almost all instrumental sections. Don’t hesitate to make this part of your “leap of faith” to start the new school year. If you are in need of an instrument, we do have some available.

University Orchestra rehearsals take place on Monday evenings, beginning September 9th, from 7-8:30pm in the Sanctuary. We typically play in worship services once a month with additional special performances during the Christmas and Easter season. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining this amazing community, please contact me.

Mary McKay


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