8:15am Traditional Communion ServerThey serve communion on Sundays in the 8:15am Traditional Worship Services the time commitment is one service a month.
Email Elizabeth,
EMooy-Fink@UniversitySATX.OrgTraditional Communion ServerThey serve communion on Communion Sunday in the 8:15, 9:30 and 11am Traditional Worship Services (1st Sunday of the month) the time commitment is one service a month.
Email Elizabeth,
EMooy-Fink@UniversitySATX.OrgCommunion Prep/ServerCommunion stewards prepare the communion elements (bread and juice) prior to the start of the worship service. They serve communion to the congregation and help replenish bread and juice during the service. At the end of each service, communion stewards are responsible for clean up and disposing of leftover bread and juice. This opportunity is available for Traditional worship services and Modern worship services.
Email Elizabeth,
EMooy-Fink@UniversitySATX.OrgModern & Traditional Worship Slide TeamIf you are tech savvy, or just have an interest and desire to learn, and are looking for a way to serve on Sunday mornings than the Modern & Traditional Worship Slide Team might be the perfect place for you to serve! Volunteers are asked to sign up for at least one Sunday a month, or more if desired. Training is provided.
Email Alyssa,
ACarroll@UniversitySATX.OrgModern Worship Floor ManagerThe Floor Manager is responsible for overseeing the floor logistics like communion and offering and making sure that things flows well during worship. Floor Manager does the attendance count and helps with baptism. Time commitment: One to two Sundays a month
Email Elizabeth,
EMooy-Fink@UniversitySATX.OrgModern Worship Light OperatorIf you have a desire to learn more about lighting, and are looking for a way to serve on Sunday mornings than the Modern Worship Lighting team might be the perfect place for you to serve! Volunteers are asked to sign up for at least one Sunday a month, or more if desired. Training is provided.
Email Wes,
WTaylor@UniversitySATX.OrgModern Worship Video DirectorIf you have experience with directing for television, and are looking for a way to serve on Sunday mornings then the Modern Directing team might be the perfect place for you to serve! Volunteers are asked to sign up for at least one Sunday a month, or more if desired. Training is provided.
Email Wes,
WTaylor@UniversitySATX.Org Traditional Worship AcolytesStudents in 4th thru 12th grade can serve as acolytes in our weekly Traditional worship services (8:15; 9:30 or 11am), plus special services (Holy Week, Christmas Eve, etc). Acolytes assist with sacraments and the offertory and are needed for the entire worship hour. Training will be provided. It’s a fun and rewarding way to serve God and our church.
Email Elizabeth,
EMooy-Fink@UniversitySATX.OrgTraditional Worship Communion CoordinatorCommunion coordinator coordinates the communion stewards that will be serving that month. The coordinator will assign the stewards their communion stations. During the service, the coordinator will oversee and replenish the bread and juice from the communion stations. Time commitment: once a month.
Email Elizabeth,
EMooy-Fink@UniversitySATX.OrgTraditional Worship Video DirectorIf you are tech savvy, or just have an interest and desire to learn, and are looking for a way to serve on Sunday mornings than the Traditional Video Directing team might be the perfect place for you to serve! Volunteers are asked to sign up for at least one Sunday a month, or more if desired. Training is provided.
Email Alyssa,
ACarroll@UniversitySATX.OrgWorship UsherUshers serve in Traditional worship services - Sanctuary (8:15, 9:30 or 11am) and/or Modern worship services - Worship Center (11am), plus special services (Holy Week, Christmas Eve, etc). Ushers greet and handout bulletins as well as help folks find their seat in the Sanctuary/Worship center. They also collect the offerings and assist with communion by helping direct folks. On special services, ushers are needed to assist with any additional tasks.
Email Elizabeth,