traditional Worship
8:15, 9:30 & 11am
South Campus
South Campus
Our traditional worship service is rooted in the historic liturgy of the church. Classic hymns, choral music, pipe organ, and stained glass windows enhance the sense of the sacred. Every week we offer communion at our 8:15am service.

Modern Worship
Worship Center
North Campus
Worship Center
North Campus
Our modern worship service uses cutting-edge music, video and technology, and relevant preaching to communicate the timeless message of Jesus Christ. It offers communion every week.

Believer's Garden
Student Worship Center
North Campus
Student Worship Center
North Campus
Believer’s Garden is an inclusive worship service with and by adults with disabilities. Friends with and without disabilities of all ages are invited to join in radical hospitality, passionate worship and faith-filled friendships. The first Sunday of each month is Worship as One Sunday where Believer's Garden combines with Modern Worship at 11am.
Sundays for kids

8am - 12pm | 6 Weeks - 24 Months
We have two nursery locations available on Sunday mornings. To find nursery classrooms on the south side of campus, visit the Kids Welcome Desk. Our nursery on the north side of campus is located next to the Worship Center on the first floor and is available during the 11am Modern Worship Service.

Kids Sunday School
9:30 - 10:30am | 2 Years - 5th Grade
We are passionate about creating an environment where your kids can learn of God’s great love for them. Sunday school is available from 9:30-10:30am. Visit the Kids Welcome Desk on the south campus to get your child connected.

Preschool Worship
11am - 12pm | 2 Years - 5 Years (Pre-K)
The children will receive a snack and playtime followed by a worship experience in either Preschool Music or The Chapel of the Good Shepherd. Experiences will rotate from week to week. Two-year-olds will participate based on developmental readiness and accommodation for children with special needs outside the age range is available. On the first Sunday of the month, all preschool classes will come together to have a large group worship experience where they can practice the elements of worship they have been learning.

Kids with Special Needs
All children who have special needs are invited to participate in Kids Sunday School at 9:30am. Children from birth to 2 years old are welcome in the nursery. Preschool and Elementary age children are welcome to attend their age/grade level class with the assistance of a “buddy”. Elementary-age children with disabilities have the additional option of attending a class where the lesson, activities, and environment is designed specifically for them. To request more information about a “Buddy” or prepare for your first, please email, Heather Sheese-Rubio.
Sundays for Students

Sunday Morning Rally
9:30 - 10:30am | 6th - 12th Grade
A fun and engaging time when we introduce students to Jesus. We have music and games, and ask students the question, “Do you know Jesus?” We meet from 9:30-10:30am in Student Worship Center on the North campus. Sunday Morning Rally is open to all students.

Students with Special Needs
On Sunday mornings at 9:30am students in 6th – 12th grade can participate in large peer groups or a multi-age special needs small group depending on their needs. If you plan to visit University, please contact Heather Rubio at HSheese-Rubio@UniversitySATX.org ahead of time so we can know a little bit about your son/daughter and help with any needs they may have prior to attending.
Sundays for adults

Sunday School
9:30 - 10:30am | 6th - 12th Grade
We have various Sunday school classes meeting all over our campus for various ages and life stages. Take a look at our small group finder for more information about classes.

Adults with Special Needs
Sundays | 11am
First Sundays | 10am
Adults with and without disabilities along with caregivers are invited to join Bible study and prayer time in the Labyrinth Room (N206/207). Modifications are made for all abilities. A light breakfast and coffee are offered.
Parking is available in our North and South Campus parking lots. If these become full there is available parking at Frost Bank, Spec's, Chic-fil-a, and Locke Hill Elementary. Police officers will be there to help you cross streets. Learn more about navigating our campus by visiting our Campus Information Page.
We have breakfast tacos, donuts and coffee available for purchase in the Atrium on our South Campus and in the Café on our North Campus.
NORTH CAMPUS Sensory safe space
The Sensory-Safe Space is in the back of the Worship Center. It is a room designed for those with special needs who need a quite calm space. It can be used with a parent/caregiver on Sunday mornings, or any time other events are taking place on the North Campus.