University Blog

"Meet" Our Interns

Posted by Sarah Reiter on

Hey University Family!

I had a meeting last week about the Pumpkin Patch…Mark your calendar – October 8, 2023 – University’s Pumpkin Patch Opens. 

It might seem early to be telling you about this fall’s Pumpkin Patch, but I think the timing is perfect. University’s 2023 Summer Interns are here and starting their work and we have last year’s Pumpkin Patch and everyone who supported it, by volunteering and purchasing pumpkins, to thank you for making this program possible!

Many of the things that happen around here every summer wouldn’t be the same without the effort, energy, creativity, and care of the interns who join our staff for just a few months each year. From Mission Trips and VBS to feeding and welcoming folks, both within and beyond our walls, and so much more…there are countless ways these college students bless us with their time and gifts. 

And, University, we get to bless them in return by helping them explore all that God has and will call them to, whether part of that ends up working directly in church ministry or not. The summer is a chance for them to grow and be formed as they work and serve alongside us.

Many of you got to “meet” this year’s intern as we introduced and blessed them in some of Sunday’s services. We appreciate your continued prayers for the ways they will bless us and the ways we can bless them during these next few months. 

Thank you, dear church, for helping to make this program possible…See you at the Patch in October!!

In Him,



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