University Blog

Nothing Is A Surprise To God

Posted by Abigail Black on

 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

-Deut. 31:8

I’ve always loved this verse, it seems no matter where we might be in life, we are about to encounter a change, going through a change, or coming out of a time of change. This time of year, with Labor Day passed, we find ourselves preparing for the fall festivities, which here in south Texas, for our family at least, means pumpkin patches in the 98-degree heat. But it also means embracing the change from lazy summer days, where the schedule is a bit more fluid and forgiving to mornings full of packing lunches, finding shoes, and not wanting to wake up to get the day going.  

These days can seem to drag on and yet, pile up all at the same time. The schedule is fuller in our house and with more to do, and more to get done, deadlines for each and every one of us, whether it be a science project or a work deadline that must be met, patience can sometimes be in very short supply. Which is where I find comfort in this verse. My mother used to tell me when I first moved out on my own and began to navigate life, that “nothing is a surprise to God,” and while we all know this, sometimes taking a step back and seeing it as He really is never shocked, the changes, the pop-up needs, the global pandemics were not a surprise to Him. And, as each day fills with more to do, and continued unknowns, I find such peace and a renewal of patience and endurance in knowing that He will not leave me in these changes and unknowns on my own. And, in that, I need not be afraid or discouraged because He has, and always will, go before me. 

I pray that each of us be reminded of this as we enter, yet another season of change. 

Abigail Black
Nursery Director


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