University Blog

Rested, Restored & Ready

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A woman I follow on Instagram weekly posts a “these are the days…” post where she adds pictures of what has been happening in her life. For those with school-age children or those who work in education, these are the days of spring break. Most of our students are experiencing that glorious week of no school, either last week or this week. Sometimes this week is filled with vacation and family fun, sometimes it’s all about friends, sometimes it is all about sleep, and lots of other things that fill our time. But the main point is it is not about school!

I know the weeks leading up to spring break in my house are filled with tired groaning and a weariness with routine. We need a break. We need a shakeup in routine, a sabbath time. God in God’s infinite wisdom put this need for rest in the fabric of our being. Creation was made with a day of rest, Jesus went away to rest, rest is essential to our wellbeing, both physical, mental and spiritual. Rest and restoration are key to us as humans. Perhaps that’s why we get spring fever, the need to be outside and simply change up our patterns of life. Our souls long for times of restoration, so that we can continue on in this life and work of being human. 

Rest takes many forms, and sometimes the times that restore us the most are not restful at all!

A few weeks ago our church celebrated the confirmation of our 8th grade students followed by our annual event “FUNraiser.” It was an incredible celebration of our students and the community that supports them. We have over 300 people attend and raised over $30,000 for our scholarship fund to send students on trips and events. Planning and executing was not quite what I would call restful, but watching this church community care for and love students was indeed restorative! Being together as a church community, sharing joys and trials, being reminded of the body of Christ in action through worship, study, conversations over morning donuts and coffee, or a quiet moment of a hug when needed, are part of the rest God weaves into our lives to fuel us for our journey.

I hope as you either return to life after spring break or are enjoying the shakeup in a routine that is spring break, you are finding yourself rested, restored and ready to return with a new joy in your spirit to continue on the journey of “these days.”

Rev. Sarah Dennis
Director of Student Ministry


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