University Blog

Sweet Spot

Posted by Laurinda Kwiatkowski on

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I, send me.”-Isaiah 6:8   Friends, I think that perhaps one of my favorite things about being in ministry is that I have had the opportunity to...

A New Day

Posted by Laurinda Kwiatkowski on

"We wake not to a vague or general mercy from a far-off God. God, in delight and wisdom, had made, named, and blessed this average day. What I in my weakness see as another monotonous day in a string of days, God has given as a singular gift."- Tish Harrison Warren Liturgy of the...

A Young Adult Worship Night

Posted by Sarah Reiter on

Hey University Family! At the beginning of the year, we shared about a new collective ministry that is launching later this year young adults in San Antonio, The Foundry. Well, I’m back and it isn’t just to remind you that The Foundry is still coming this fall… (even though...

Pastoral Appointment Update

Posted by Ben Trammell on

Friends,  It is with great joy and gratitude that I can let y’all know that University will receive an additional pastoral appointment in July. Parker Zimmerman will be joining our pastoral team this summer and I could not be more excited. Parker is an ordained Elder in the TX...

Deepest Gratitude

Posted by Laurinda Kwiatkowski on

I was glad when they said unto me; Let us go into the house of the Lord.-Psalm 122:1  Family,   This past Sunday, we talked about gratitude. It’s one of my favorite things to preach/teach about because I am sold out on the importance of recognizing those places in life...

Christ With Me...

Posted by Ben Trammell on

Friends, Today is that strange day, in which failing to where green is met with the threat of being pinched. There are plenty of things we don’t know, or at least don’t know with certainty, and the tale about the snakes is either a metaphor or a later legend, but today is St...

You Are Not Alone

Posted by Abigail Black on

Hello Church Family, As we begin March I think back to this time last year and can’t help but laugh a little. I was hired to lead our Nursery Ministry on March 1st, 2020; and 2 weeks later a pandemic was declared here in the United States and I found myself navigating a new position...

Fear of Missing Out

Posted by Laurinda Kwiatkowski on

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10  Church Family,  There’s an acronym out there that has become pretty popular that describes some people I may know, FOMO.  It stands for "Fear Of Missing Out." It describes a person who finds...

Similar To Moses

Posted by Ben Trammell on

The Lord said to Moses: “Bring me seventy of Israel’s elders who are known to you as leaders and officials among the people. Have them come to the tent of meeting, that they may stand there with you.  I will come down and speak with you there, and I...

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